
Page 58 OmniTek XR User Guide, Software Release 2.3
Colour Modes
OmniTek XR can display the waveforms in a variety of modes, which may be selected
either from the Colour mode drop down in the panel or from the Colour mode menu.
The possible modes are:
YCbCr Displays video in the original format as per the serial input
YUV (SD) Displays video on graticules that match regular SD data
YCbCr + Composite As YCbCr but also showing a composite waveform created
from the component data (see below)
YUV + Composite (SD) As YUV (SD) but also including the composite waveform,
created as above
Y + RGB Shows luma plus the RGB component data
RGB Standard RGB display
RGB + Composite RGB display together with a composite waveform created
from the component data (see below)
Composite Only shows the composite waveform
Bowtie Shows a standard Bowtie display
In all modes, selector boxes appear for each item included in the waveform display, so
that items not required need not be shown. The remaining items automatically stretch to
fill the space when an item is removed. The waveforms can all be displayed as full width,
with each different component stacked vertically, or in a standard parade form (selectable
via the separate Parade option).
Composite display
Where the colour mode specifies ‘Composite’, the waveforms shown include one showing
the Composite waveform corresponding to the luma and chroma data within the original
video datastream.
The composite waveform takes the form of a band of varying width around a central line
that follows the Y (luma) component of video data. The width of the band at any point of
the waveform is determined by the chroma components of the waveform, the magnitude
and phase of which determine an overall magnitude (M) for the colour component of the
signal. The outer limits of the composite waveform are given by Y + M and Y – M.
In the OmniTek XR display, the area between the Y + M and Y – M curves is filled in with
solid colour as there is no useful information to be obtained from this area.
The range of values between which the composite waveform runs is one of the aspects of
the video that OmniTek XR monitors. In particular, it monitors where these values go
outside the permitted range set on the Video: Analyzer page of the Engineering Settings
control window (see page 23). The proportion of the incoming video for which the
composite signal goes outside the specified range is reported on in the Video Status
window (see page 84) and logged in the Event Log window (see page 104).
Panel Controls
Colour mode
These controls allow the selection of the components to display, either stacked vertically
or in parade form.
Look & Feel
The ‘Look & Feel’ controls are provided to fine tune the gain, gamma curve and decay of
the waveform traces. However these controls are not normally used as these aspects of
the display are automatically adjusted to suit variable levels of gain etc.