D Inverter Run Commands: Register Number 0000 Hex
Bit Content
0 Forward/stop (1: Forward operation)
1 Reverse/stop (1: Reverse operation)
2 Multi-function input 1
3 Multi-function input 2
4 Multi-function input 3
5 Multi-function input 4
6 Multi-function input 5
7 Multi-function input 6
8 to 15 Not used.
D Inverter Outputs: Register Number 0009 Hex
Bit Content
0 Multi-function contact output (1: ON)
1 Multi-function output 1 (1: ON)
2 Multi-function output 2 (1: ON)
8 to 15 Not used.
Note 1. The setting unit of the frequency reference can be changed in o1–03 (frequency reference
setting and display units). The default setting is 0.01 Hz.
Note 2. The multi-function analog output 1 and 2 registers can be used to set the Inverter’s analog
outputs by means of communications. To do that, set “31 (1F hex)” for H4–01 (multi-function
analog output terminal 21 monitor selection) and H4–04 (multi-function analog output termi-
nal 23 monitor selection).
Note 3. The Inverter’s multi-function outputs can be turned from ON to OFF by means of communica-
tions. To do that, set “F” for multi-function output parameters H2–01 (multi-function contact
output: terminals 9–10 function selection), H2–01 (multi-function output 1: terminal 25 func-
tion selection), and H2–03 (multi-function output 2: terminal 25 function selection).
CompoBus/D Communications Card Operations Chapter 5