
3-5-10 TERMINAL Mode Key Bits
If the Programming Console is mounted to the PC and is in TERMINAL mode,
any inputs on keys 0 through 9 (including characters A through F, i.e., keys 0
through 5 with SHIFT) will turn on a corresponding bit in AR 22. TERMINAL
mode is entered by a Programming Console operation.
The bits in AR 22 correspond to Programming Console inputs as follows:
Bit Programming Console input
AR 2200 0
AR 2201 1
AR 2202 2
AR 2203 3
AR 2204 4
AR 2205 5
AR 2206 6
AR 2207 7
AR 2208 8
AR 2209 9
AR 2210 A
AR 2211 B
AR 2212 C
AR 2213 D
AR 2214 E
AR 2215 F
Refer to Section 7 Program Monitoring and Execution for details on the TERMI-
NAL mode.
3-5-11 Power OFF Counter
AR 23 provides in 4-digit BCD the number of times that the PC power has been
turned OFF. This counter can be reset as necessary using the PV Change 1 op-
eration from the Programming Console. (Refer to 7-2-4 Hexadecimal/BCD Data
Modification for details.) The Power OFF Counter is refreshed every time power
is turned ON.
3-5-12 SYSMAC LINK Peripheral Device Flags
A Peripheral Device can be used through the SYSMAC LINK System from only
one port at a time. When changing the port from which the Peripheral Device is
being used, turn ON the SYSMAC LINK Peripheral Device Initialization Bit
(AR 2403).
Bit Function
AR 2400 SYSMAC LINK RS-232C Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System from the RS-232C port.)
AR 2401 SYSMAC LINK Port A Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System from Communications Board port A.)
AR 2402 SYSMAC LINK Port B Peripheral Device Flag
(This flag is turned ON when a Peripheral Device is being used through
the SYSMAC LINK System form Communications Board port B.)
AR 2403 SYSMAC LINK Peripheral Device Initialization Bit
(Turn this bit ON to initialize the usage of a Peripheral Device through the
AR (Auxiliary Relay) Area Section 3-5