User-set Allocations Section 4-4
4-4 User-set Allocations
With a CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit, remote I/O communications slaves can
be allocated in any area (CIO, WR, HR, DM, or EM) using one of the following
• Setting through the allocated DM Area words (Master User Allocations
• Setting through the Configurator
User-set Allocations Methods
Note Functions will vary as shown below depending on whether allocations are set
through the allocated DM Area words (Master User Allocations Table) or
through the Configurator.
• Words are always allocated to slaves in order of ascending node ad-
dresses when allocations are set with the allocated DM Area words.
The order can be determined by the user when the Configurator is
used. (However, even when using the allocated DM Area words, nodes
do not have to be allocated words, reducing the number of words re-
• Only two blocks (OUT 1 and IN 1) can be allocated when setting are
made with the allocated DM Area words area, but there are four blocks
(OUT 1/2 and IN 1/2) available with the Configurator.
Method Set through the allocated DM Area
words (Master User Allocations Table)
Set through the Configurator
Allocation areas CIO: 0000 to 6143
WR: W000 to W511
HR: HR000 to HR511
DM: D00000 to D32767
EM: E00000 to E32767 (Banks 0 to C)
No. of allocated blocks 2 blocks: OUT 1 and IN 1
OUT 1 and IN 1 can be created anywhere
in the above areas.
4 blocks: OUT 1, IN 1, OUT 2 and IN 2
OUT 1, IN 1, OUT 2, and IN 2 can be cre-
ated anywhere in the above areas.
Block allocation order Any order
Node address order Allocations must be in order of node
addresses (0 to 63 in ascending order)
Note 1. Not all nodes need to be allo-
cated, reducing the number of
words required.
2. Node addresses do not have
to correspond between blocks.
Any order
Note 1. Node addresses do not have
to correspond between blocks.
2. One node address cannot be
allocated to different blocks.
Start bit for allocations All allocations start from bit 00 (Cannot
start from bit 08. All allocations are in 1
word units.)
Allocations can start from bit 00 or bit 08.
Allocations starting from bit 08 are in
1-byte units only.
Allocation size Per block 500 words max.
Total size 1,000 words max. for a total of 2 blocks 2,000 words max. for a total of 4 blocks
Slave allocation
Slaves with
more than 8
The leftmost byte (bits 07 to 15) cannot be used.
Slaves with 8
Allocated to the leftmost or rightmost bytes (not allocated a word)
Slaves with 16
Allocated one word
Slaves with
more than 16
Allocated multiple words (with an odd number of bytes, only the rightmost byte is allo-
cated in the last word)