4-5SectionPC Setup
Word(s) FunctionBit(s)
AR 21
(Note 2)
00 to 07 Day of the Week (00 to 06, BCD)
00: Sunday 01: Monday 02: Tuesday 03: Wednesday
04: Thursday 05: Friday 06: Saturday
08 to 12 Not used.
13 30-second Compensation Bit
Turn this bit ON to round off to the nearest minute. When the seconds are 00 to 29, the seconds
are cleared to 00 and the rest of the time setting is left unchanged. When the seconds are 30 to
59, the seconds are cleared to 00 and the time is incremented by one minute.
14 Clock Stop Bit
Turn this bit ON to stop the clock. The time/date can be overwritten while this bit is ON.
15 Clock Set Bit
To change the time/date, turn ON AR 2114, write the new time/date (being sure to leave AR
2114 ON), and then turn this bit ON to enable a new time/date setting. The clock will restart and
both AR 2114 and AR 2115 will be turned OFF automatically.
AR 22 00 to 15 Not used.
AR 23 00 to 15 Power-off Counter (4-digit BCD)
This is the count of the number of times that the power has been turned off.
To clear the count, write “0000” from a Programming Device.
Note 1. The same data can be read immediately with PRV(62).
2. The time and date can be set while AR 2114 is ON. The new setting be-
comes effective when AR 2115 is turned ON. (AR 2114 and AR 2115 are
turned OFF automatically when the new setting goes into effect.)
3. The units for the maximum and current cycle times are determined by the
setting in bits 08 to 15 of DM 6618. A setting of 00 specifies 0.1-ms units, 01
specifies 0.1-ms units, 02 specifies 1-ms units, and 03 specifies 10-ms
4-5 PC Setup
The PC Setup comprises various operating parameters that control PC opera-
tion. In order to make the maximum use of PC functionality when using interrupt
processing and communications functions, the PC Setup may be customized
according to operating conditions.
After the PC Setup has been changed, be sure to switch the CPM2B to MON-
ITOR or RUN mode or turn the power OFF and then ON again.
4-5-1 Changing the PC Setup
The PC Setup settings in DM 6600 to DM 6655 can be changed from a Program-
ming Device. The CPM2B must be in PROGRAM mode in order to change the
settings in DM 6600 to DM 6644. The settings in DM 6645 to DM 6655 can be
changed in MONITOR or PROGRAM mode, but CPM2B’s cycle time will be long
if the settings are changed in MONITOR mode.
All of the PC Setup settings are set to their defaults when the CPM2B is shipped.
The default values for the PC Setup are 0000 for all words (except for the low
battery error enable in DM 6655 bits 12 to 15).
PC Setup settings are accessed at various times depending on the setting, as
described below.
Words Timing
DM 6600 to DM 6614 Accessed only when PC’s power supply is turned ON.
DM 6615 to DM 6644 Accessed only when program execution begins.
DM 6645 to DM 6655 Accessed regularly when the power is ON.
Since changes in the PC Setup become effective only at the times given above,
the PC will have to be restarted to make changes in DM 6600 to DM 6614 effec-
Effectiveness of Changes