
CS-series Controller Link Units Section 4-1
ther communications will stop, or the INS indicator will not light and you will
be unable to participate in the Network.
4. When CS1W-CLK21-V1 and CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Units are used with other
models in the same network, set the node addresses of all nodes between
1 and 32. In a network containing pre-version-1 models, it is not possible
to construct a network that uses a node address higher than 32.
Turn ON the Wired Network 62 Node Enable Bit (bit 11 of D30000 + 100
Unit No.) in the DM Parameter Area software switch of all CS1W-CLK21-
V1 and CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Units to restrict the network to 32 nodes maxi-
mum. If a different value is specified, the network will be incorrectly config-
5. To construct a network that uses a node address higher than 32, it is nec-
essary for all nodes to be CS1W-CLK21-V1 or CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Units.
In addition, the Wired Network 62 Node Enable Bit in the DM Parameter
Area software switch of all nodes must be turned ON to enable using 62
nodes maximum. If a different value is specified, the network will not be
correctly configured.
6. Only node addresses 1 through 32 can be used on networks for which 62
nodes have not been enabled.
7. The Wired Network 62 Node Enable Bit in the DM Parameter Area soft-
ware switches of CS1W-CLK21-V1 and CJ1W-CLK21-V1 Units is read
when the Unit is restarted.
8. The send sequence for the data link areas is determined according to the
sequence of node addresses for automatically set data links.
9. Assign node addresses consecutively beginning from 01 whenever possi-
ble to minimize Network construction time.
4-1-4 Baud Rates
Set the following pins for the baud rate settings (DIP switch).
Note 1. Always turn OFF the PLC’s power before setting the baud rate.
2. Keep pins 3 and 4 set to OFF.
Baud Rate (Pins 1 and 2) Set the same baud rate for all the nodes on the Network using DIP switch pins
1 and 2 on the front of the Unit. The baud rate is set as shown below.
The maximum transmission distance will also change according to the setting.
Note The factory default setting is shown in bold.
Note 1. Set the same baud rate for all the nodes on the Network. Normal commu-
nication cannot be performed unless the same baud rate is set for all the
Pins 3, 4: Not used (must be OFF)
Pins 1, 2: Baud rate
Note: The factory default settings are shown above.
Pins Baud rate Maximum
transmission distance
Pin 1 Pin 2
OFF OFF 2 Mbps 500 m
ON OFF 1 Mbps 800 m
OFF ON 500 Kbps 1 km
ON ON Do not set.