Pulse Outputs Section 7-6
Actual frequency = Clock frequency
รท INT (clock frequency/target frequency)
Note INT (clock frequency/target frequency) is the dividing ratio.
The difference between the target frequency and the actual frequency
increases at higher frequencies. The following tables shows examples for a
clock frequency of 20 MHz.
7-6-7 One-shot Pulse Output Function
The one-shot pulse output function turns ON the output only for a specified
time between 0.01 and 9,999 ms. Use the STIM(980) instruction to start the
pulse output (turn the output from OFF to ON). After the time specified in
STIM(980) has elapsed, the pulse output is automatically turned OFF (in the
Target frequency (Hz) Actual output frequency
952,382 to 1,000,000 1,000,000
909,092 to 952,381 952,381
869,566 to 909,091 909,091
487,806 to 500,000 500,000
476,191 to 487,805 487,805
465,117 to 476,190 476,190
198,021 to 200,000 100,806
196,079 to 198,020 198,020
194,176 to 196,078 196,078
49,876 to 50,000 50,000
49,752 to 49,875 49,875
4,929 to 49,751 49,751
402 402
401 401
400 400
Dividing circuit
Output pulses
(Actual output frequency)
Integer dividing ratio set
according to the target
frequency set by user.
Clock-generated pulses
(one of four possible settings)