A message will be displayed asking whether you actually want to trans-
mit the data.
5. To confirm, press the Enter Key. To return to step 1, press any key other
than the Enter Key.
6. When the transmission is complete, a message will be displayed. Press
any key to return to the Screen Selection Display.
6-3 Receiving Data
Data registered in the PT (i.e., screen data, memory table data, and mark
data) can be received either by file or by screen (i.e., single screens or
memory tables). Screen comments, however, are not transferred to PT
memory and can thus not be received.
Receiving Files All screen data, memory table data, and mark data together can be received
in one file.
1, 2, 3...
1. Go to the File Selection Display.
2. Press F7 (Receive). The position of the bar cursor is irrelevant.
Receiving Data Section 6-3