Press Station Cable Assembly Instructions
Use this procedure to assemble the press station cable of the ParaBody 950!~T
Step 1
Secure the ball end of the press cable .(105.) and two. ,3-1/2" pul!ey~. (111) to the. swive, I p, ulley,
bracket (41) using two 3/8 x 2" bolts (,100), four 3/8" washers (78), and two 3/8" nylocK
(Note: Loop the cable around the pulley prior to inserting it into ,the swivel pulley brclcket.)
Route the threadec~l end of the press cable C105) through the large hole in !,he press frame C17)
and. secure to.the front slot of t.he press arm adiusf C23) using one 3-1/2 pulley (111),
3/8 x ~-~/~ ~o=~ ~ss). ~.~ ~/s" ~.g~ =p~=~ (7~), ~ o~ ~/s" ~o=k n=~ (S~).
Loop ~he cable ow=r the pulley prior Jo inse~ing it into the slot,)
Sec~rs ~he press cable {l~).o.d o.e 4-1/2" p~lley (110) fo,~fhe press bose (13). u,~.g o.e
2-3/4" bolt (99), two 3/B flange spacers (74), and one 3/B nylock nu~ (83). CNote: Loop
cable under the pulley prior fo inserting it in~o the slot,
Secure the press ,cable C105) and one 3-1/2" pulley
(111) to the rear slot of the press arm adjust
using one 3/8 x 2-3/4" bo}t (99), two 3/8" flange
spacers (74), and one 3/8’ nylock nut (B3). (Note:"
Loop the cable over the pulley prior to inserting if
into the slot.)