Status Indicators and Control Panel Messages
C-93615-A2-GB20-20 December 1996
Progress Messages
able C-6
describes the command progress messages;
able C-7 describes the dial backup progress messages.
Table C-6
Command Progress Messages
Message Condition
Please wait . . . Command is taking more than 2 seconds to complete.
Command Complete Command has been completed.
Command Failed Command was unable to be executed.
Table C-7
Dial Backup Progress Messages
Message Condition
DBM:Answering DBM is answering an incoming call.
DBM:Callback Callback sequence has initiated.
DBM:Connected DBM is connected.
DBM:Disabled No calls can be initiated or answered.
DBM:FoundAnswTon A 4-wire Switched 56 DBM is answering an incoming call.
DBM:Ringing Ringing at remote DBM or
DBU (dial backup unit).
DBM:Standby A connection is made but the digital circuit is still the active link.
DBM:Starting Up The DBM is training for synchronization.
DBM:WaitForAnswr A call has been placed and the DBM is waiting for connection.
DBM:Wait Callbck The DBM is expecting a call back from remote DBM or
DBM:WaitForSync Call placed and waiting for connection (2-wire Switched 56 DBM only).
DBM:xxxxxxxxxxx The last 1
1 digits for the telephone number that has been dialed.