DCP Configuration
4-413920-A2-GN31-30 November 1996
DTE Dialer — Singleport Mode A
The DTE Dialer configuration options establish the DTE-to-modem protocol for call establishment
and control.
Table 4-8 shows each DTE Dialer configuration option as it appears on the LCD, with the Sync
Leased factory default setting (the default value if the modem is just being installed) shown
following the colon ( : ) on the first line and with all available selections listed on the second line.
Following this is a description of the configuration option. Factory default settings are listed in
Appendix F.
Table 4-8
(1 of 5)
DTE Dialer Configuration Options — Singleport Mode A
DTE Dialer Type: Disable
Nxt Disable AT V25bis_Async V25bis_Bsync V25bis_HDLC DTR=Direct1 AT&T_Exclusv
Data Terminal Equipment Dialer Type. Identifies to the modem the type of dialing method and protocol used by the DTE.
Disable – Disables any type of DTE dialing method. Dialing can only be performed using the DCP’s Dial command or
attached telephone.
AT – Allows AT command protocol to be used as a method for entering commands and dialing when used in an
asynchronous application. This is the only valid setting for leased-line applications. The modem will not respond to AT
commands if DTE Dialer Type is not set to AT.
V.25bis Async – Selects V.25bis Async as the dialing method and protocol used by the modem. The character length
must be 7 data bits with even parity and 1 stop bit.
V.25bis Bisync – Selects V.25bis Bisync as the dialing method and protocol used by the modem. This is also known as
character-oriented protocol. This framing protocol uses two synchronous control characters and a start-of-text control
character before the text block and an end-of-text control character after the text block. The correct character structure
for V.25bis Bisync dialing is 7 data bits, Odd parity, and 1 stop bit. If the modem is in Asynchronous mode, enter the
following command string to configure it for V.25bis Bisync dialing: AT&F&D1&S1&M233&W. If the modem is already
configured for synchronous operation, perform the following to set the character format: (1) use the modem’s front panel
to access the Async/Sync Mode configuration option and set it to Async; (2) scroll down until the Asyn #Data Bits
configuration option appears and set it to 7 data bits; (3) scroll down and set the Asyn Parity Bit configuration option to
Odd; (4) scroll through the DTE Interface group until the Async/Sync Mode configuration option appears and set it to
Sync; (5) move up one level in the menu tree or move to the Top-Level menu, and follow the LCD messages to save the
new modem settings.
V.25bis HDLC – Selects V.25bis HDLC as the dialing method and protocol used by the modem. This is also known as
bit-oriented protocol. This framing protocol uses flag, address and control characters before the text block and a frame
sequence check and flag after the text block.
DTR=Direct1 – Allows the modem to automatically dial the number stored in directory location 1 whenever DTR turns
ON. DTR dialing cannot be used if dial access security is enabled.
AT&T Exclusive – Enables a subset of the proprietary AT&T command set, which is required for some applications that
use AT&T equipment. Currently, the only application supported is AT&T DATAKIT.
The AT commands for AT are &M0, &M1, &M3 or &Q0, &Q1, &Q3.
The AT commands for DTR=Direct1 dialing are &M2 or &Q2.