5446 RTU Setup
8000-A2-GB20-50April 2000
Table C-1. IP Injection Group Objects (ipInjectionTable 1) (2 of 2)
Object Setting/ContentsDescription
(ipInjectionEntry 4)
Specifies the address status of
static or dynamic. When the 5446
RTU is reset, static addresses are
saved and dynamic addresses are
not saved.
Type of static or dynamic addressing for each entry.
The default is static(1).
H static(1) – Static addresses are assigned for the
duration of the service subscription. For an
ipInjectionType of serviceProvider(3), static(1) is the
required entry.
H dynamic(2) – Dynamic addresses are only
assigned for the duration of the application session.
H invalid(3) – Used to delete an entry from the table.
(ipInjectionEntry 5)
When using a Next Hop Router, the
IP address of the router is entered.
This entry is only valid when
ipInjectionType is set to host(4) or
When the ipInjection type is set to
H The Default Gateway IP address
is entered in the Next Hop
Router field.
H The IP address and subnet mask
default to No other entry
is valid.
H Next Hop Router is the IP
address of the locally attached
host (route) that downstream
traffic is forwarded to when the
destination is unknown.
The Next Hop Router field is used to provide:
H The IP address which identifies the input port of the
Next Hop Router for a specific defined host or
H Locally attached default gateway router for
downstream traffic when the destination is
Viewable 5446 RTU ARP Table
The Viewable ARP Table is a standard MIB-2 object that should come with most
browsers. This allows you to use the MIB browser to do a query on the
5446 RTU to retrieve ARP cache information.
To view the ARP Table, use the standard MIB-2 OID