March 2001 3160-A2-GB24-10
CID (Customer Identification) branch
example of use, 4-2
Circuit Identifier configuration option, C-10
performance registers, 7-9
CLOCK IN interface
functional description, 1-7, 4-41
physical description, 1-5–1-6
pin assignments, E-17
configuration options, C-16
principles of operation, 4-40
technical specifications, B-2
ClrReg (Clear Performance Registers) branch
example of use, 7-9
Cnfig (Configuration) branch
configuration options tables, C-1
line, C-2
COM Port
acquiring/releasing the user interface, 5-5
cabling example, 2-9
configuration option, C-19
functional description, 1-7
physical description, 1-5–1-6
pin assignments, E-7
reset, I-1
used with ASCII terminal/printer, 2-9, 7-13
used with SNMP system, 1-3, 2-3, 4-14
community name
configuration option, C-34
procedure for configuring, 4-19
configuration options
procedure for changing with asynchronous terminal
interface, I-9
procedure for changing with front panel, 4-3
Alarm, C-29
Channel, C-10
DTE Interface, C-2
General, C-16
Network Interface, C-8
Port, C-3
SNMP, C-33
User Interface, C-18
worksheets, D-1
10BaseT port, E-4
rear panel
cabling examples, 2-9
functional description, 1-7
physical description, 1-5–1-6
pin assignments, E-1
connects, D
CPU failure message, 7-3
crossover cable, E-15
CSS (Controlled Slip Seconds) report, 7-11
Ctrl (Control) branch
alarm cutoff, 4-47
change monitor selection, 8-2
disconnect modem, 6-7
enter phone numbers, 6-2
examples of use, 3-12, 3-15, 4-2, 4-47, 5-3, 5-6, 6-2,
6-5–6-7, 7-9
initiate call, 6-6
initiate call for FP pass-through, 6-4
LED display options, 3-12
release user interface, 5-6
reset performance registers, 7-9
setting a password, 5-3
setting customer identification, 4-2
Cust1 (Customer 1) configuration area
functional description, 4-3
Cust2 (Customer 2) configuration area
functional description, 4-3
cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
error indication, 7-10
daisy chaining
configuration options, C-19, C-26
connectivity, 1-7, 2-3
data channel loopback (DCLB), 8-13, C-4
data port
MIB, F-1
data terminal loopback (DTLB), 8-14, C-4
SNMP, 1-3
dc power option, 2-6, B-1, E-16
default configuration options, C-2
default gateway
setting from front panel, 4-12
DevFail (Device Failure) message, 7-5
DevHS (Device Health and Status) branch
example of use, 7-4
Dial command, 6-6
dimensions, B-2
disconnect modem
Disconnect command, 6-7
front panel keys, 6-8
DL (Download) branch
operation, 3-15
DS0 channel allocation, 4-24
DTE (Drop/Insert) interface, 1-2
DTE Configuration branch
option table, C-2
option worksheet, D-2