COMSPHERE 3825Plus Modem
Index-2 November 1996 3825-A2-GB30-10
X (Extended Result Code, Dial Tone Detect, Busy
Tone Detect), 4-6
Y (Long Space Disconnect), 4-7
Z (Reset and Load Active), 4-7
AT&T exclusive dialing, 2-6
auto-answer problems, B-2
Automatic Firmware Download Center, B-5
automode (S78), 4-24
S76 Dial Line, 4-24
S82 Leased Line, 4-25
Bell modulations, 4-3
Blind Dial Pause (S6), 4-18
blind dialing, 4-7
Break Buffer Control (AT\K), 4-15
Break Forces Escape (AT\K), 4-15
busy tone detect (ATX), 4-6
auxiliary, D-2
JM8 to RJ11 crossover, 2-3, D-2
required, 2-1
supplied, 2-1
Call Answer commands (V.25bis), E-3
Call Request commands (V.25bis), E-2
Call Response (V.25bis), E-2
Call Waiting, 4-4
Callback Security (S67), 4-30
CCITT/Bell Mode (B command), 4-3
cellular enhancements
&F5 and &F6 commands, 4-9
S91 Register, 4-26
cellular transmit level, 4-10
change S-register, 4-6
character format, 4-2
problems, B-2, B-4
Clear Error Buffer (”F), 4-7
clock source (AT&X), 4-13
Clone Remote (&&P1), 4-8
command echo, 4-4, B-4
Command mode, 4-1
Command Response (V.25bis), E-4
MNP5, 4-14
V.42bis, 4-7
COMSPHERE 6700 or 6800 Series NMS, 1-2
configuration options
factory default, 2-4
factory defaults (AT&F), 4-9
loading (ATZ), 4-7
loading when disconnected (S88), 4-25
saving (AT&W), 4-12
selecting, 2-4
viewing (AT&V), 4-12
connect messages, A-1
connect problems, B-2, B-3
copy firmware to remote, 4-8
CTS Control (\D), 4-14
Data mode, 4-1
Data Rate (%B), 4-13
data rates supported, C-1
DATAKIT applications, 2-6, 4-11
Dial (ATD), 4-4
dial command modifiers, 4-4
Dial Line Rate (S41), 4-20
Dial Stored Number (ATDS), 4-4
dial tone detect (ATX), 4-6
dial tone wait, 4-4
dial-line connection, 2-3
dialing problems, B-3
Disconnect Delay
Receive Buffer, 4-19
Transmit Buffer, 4-22
configuration options, 4-12
S-register, 4-6
download failure, B-5
download latest firmware, B-5
download-only mode, 1-3, 4-8
DSR Control (AT&S), 4-12
DTE connection, 2-3
DTE password
%SD command, 4-29
described, 4-27
DTE Password Attempt Limit (S96), 4-30
DTE Password Backspace Character (S98), 4-31
DTE Password Termination Character (S97), 4-31
DTE Rate
in result codes, 4-7
problems, B-4
set to VF rate, 4-26
Alarm Reporting (S77), 4-24
make busy via (S69), 4-23
DTR Action (AT&D), 4-8