February 2003 4-9
1000-A2-GN22-00 4. Troubleshooting
Table 4–6. PSTN Module Troubleshooting
Symptom Probable Causes Corrective Action
No indicators are lit on
the T1/STS-1 module.
CPX is not powered. Put the suspect card on standby,
locked, resources removed. Then
switch it out (see Hot Swapping Line
Cards on page 5-11)
Verify that the CPX is receiving –48
VDC from the plant battery.
Software error occurred
on the CP module,
preventing the T1/STS-1
module from initializing.
Power down the CPX, then reapply
power by turning its circuit breaker
switch off, then on again
(see Figure 4–2 on page 4-12).
T1/STS-1 module is
Replace the module (see Module
Troubleshooting on page 4-6)
FAIL indicators are lit
RUN indicators
are off on all T1
modules in the CPX.
Software error occurred
on the CP module,
causing the T1 modules to
initialize improperly.
1. Turn the CPX rear circuit breaker
switch off, then on again.
2. After the system initializes, verify
that all T1 module
FAIL indicators
are off and
RUN indicators are lit.
CP module is faulty. Switch over CP to standby. If required,
swap out (see Hot Swapping CP and
HSC Cards on page 5-11)
FAIL indicator is lit and/
RUN indicator is off
on a single T1 module;
all other T1 modules
show normal
FAIL and
RUN indicator states.
T1 module is faulty. Replace the module (see Module
Troubleshooting on page 4-6).
Software error occurred
on the CP module,
causing the T1 module to
initialize improperly.
1. Turn the CPX rear circuit breaker
switch off, then on again.
2. After the system initializes, verify
that the T1 module
FAIL indicator is
off and the
RUN indicator is lit.
Tx and/or Rx indicators
on the STS-1 card are
Software error occurred
on the CP module,
causing the STS-1 module
to initialize improperly.
1. Turn the CPX rear circuit breaker
switch off, then on again.
2. After the system initializes, verify
that the STS-1 module
Tx and/or Rx
indicators are lit or flashing .
STS-1 module is faulty. Replace the STS-1 module (see
Module Troubleshooting on page 4-6).