4. Configuration Options
4-42 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
Table 4-19. Management PVC Options (1 of 4)
Possible Settings:
ASCII Text Entry
Default Setting: Initially blank
For the management PVC, specify a unique name to display on screens (e.g., Tampa).
ASCII Text Entry –
Enter a unique name for the management PVC (maximum length
8 characters).
Payload Managed
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Specifies whether the PVC is payload managed.
Enable – The network PVC created will be monitored for the presence of IP frames
containing the IP address specified in the Intf IP Address field. When such a frame is
identified, it is extracted from the data stream and sent to the management stack.
Disable – A normal management PVC is created using the specified DLCI or EDLCI.
Intf IP Address
Possible Settings: Node-IP-Address, Special
Default Setting: Node-IP-Address
Specifies the Interface IP address needed to access the unit via this management PVC to
provide connectivity to an external IP network through the frame relay network.
Node-IP-Address – Defaults to the IP address contained in the Node IP Address
(see Table 4-18, Node IP Options).
Special (– – Allows you to display/edit an IP address
for the unit’s management PVC when the IP address for this interface is different from the
node’s IP address.
Intf Subnet Mask
Possible Settings: Node-Subnet-Mask, Calculate, Special (
Default Setting: Node-Subnet-Mask
Specifies the Subnet Mask needed to access the unit via this management PVC to
provide connectivity to an external IP network through the frame relay network.
Node-Subnet-Mask – Uses the
Subnet mask contained in the Node-Subnet Mask
configuration option (see Table 4-18, Node IP Options).
Calculate – Calculates the subnet mask created by the IP protocol based on the class of
the IP address (Class A:, Class B:, or
Class C: Cannot be displayed or edited.
Special (– – Allows you to edit/display the subnet
mask for the management PVC when the subnet mask is different for this interface.