2000-A2-GB20-10 - 176 - February 2004
When NAT is enabled, you can review statistics gathered as NAT
operates. To display NAT statistics, type S on the NAT Configuration menu.
The IAD displays the following information (sample):
timeouts: TCP: 300, UDP: 120
local to inet: pkts:0, bytes:0
inet to local: pkts:0, bytes:0
Connections: TCP 0, UDP:0, ICMP:0 created: 0, deleted 0
Total Fragments: local to inet: 0, inet to local: 0
First Fragments: local to inet: 0, inet to local: 0
Queued Fragments: local to inet: 0, inet to local: 0
Deleted Fragments: local to inet: 0, inet to local: 0
Fragment Entries: created: 0, deleted: 0
Errors: cksum: 0, retries: 0, bad packets: 0
Total IP pkts: 0, Reserved addresses: 0, Discarded
packets 0
Press any key to return to the NAT Configuration menu.
Table 11–2.NAT Statistics
Report Entry Description
Timeouts TCP and UDP Timeout values.
Local to inet Number of packets and bytes transferring to
the Internet.
inet to Local Number of packets and bytes receiving from
the Internet.
Connections Number of active TCP, UDP and ICMP
connections, as well as the number created
and deleted.
Total Fragments Total fragments: local to internet, and internet
to local
First Fragments Number of first fragments: local to internet, and
internet to local
Queued Fragments Number of queued fragments: local to internet,
and internet to local
Deleted Fragments Number of queued fragments: local to internet,
and internet to local
Fragment Entries Number of created and deleted fragment
Errors Number of checksum, retries and bad packets.
Total IP packets Number of IP packets—reserved addresses
and discarded packets.