Items of Special Importance General
– 6 –
• Before stopping the engine, allow it
to idle for one to two minutes (par-
ticularly if the engine has been sub-
jected to a high speed journey or
high engine loadings). This proce-
dure will ensure an adequate oil
supply to the turbocharger bear-
ings while the rotor assembly is
cooling, thus improving the life
span of the turbocharger bearings.
• Any abnormal noises or vibrations
from the turbocharger must be
reported immediately.
Cooling System
CAUTION: Damage to the
engine and cooling system,
such as corrosion and cavi-
tation erosion, will occur unless anti-
freeze ZEREX PENRAY 2792 is used
and maintained with supplemental
coolant additive Pencool 3000 with
Stabil-Aid. As needed, fill or top off
the cooling system only with a
ready-mixed clean water/approved
antifreeze solution using these prod-
ucts. The use of other antifreeze
products will void your engine, radi-
ator, and cooling system warranties.
The engine cooling system is thermo-
statically controlled, so the use of a
radiator cover in cold weather is
Air Leakage
If the pressure in the air reservoirs
drops rapidly with the engine switched
off, this indicates a leak in the com-
pressed air system. Since this affects
the safety of the brake system, the leak
must be traced and repaired as quickly
as possible.
System Voltage
The vehicle is equipped with a 12 volt
negative ground electrical system.
When replacing or fitting electrical or
electronic components, always verify
that they are suitable for this system
voltage, polarity, and capacity.
Do not disconnect the battery terminals
while the engine is running; failure to
observe this precaution may result in
major damage to the alternator.
Serious battery damage and vehicle
starting difficulties will occur if the bat-
teries are discharged (“drained”) below
12 volts. To prevent the batteries from
being inadvertently discharged, it is
essential the following precautions are
PB1340A.book Page 6 Friday, September 1, 2000 7:40 AM