Std. ANSI Rated Approx. Approx.
Product Ordering Nom. Pkg. Ballast LCL MOL Avg. Life Initial Mean PPF
Number Code Watts Bulb Base Qty. Code (In) (In) CCT (Hrs)
21113-6 SON-T PIA Grn Pw/400W/ED18 400 ED-18 E39 12 S51 5.75 9.75 2100K 24,000 55,000 49,500 680
40487-1 SON-T PIA Grn Pw/400W 400 T-15 E39 12 S51 6.65 11.14 2100K 24,000 58,500 52,650 725
40488-9 SON-T PIA Grn Pw/600W/230V 600 T-15 E39 12 S106 6.65 11.14 2100K 18,000 88,500 84,100 1150
40489-7 SON-T PIA Grn Pw/600W/347V 600 T-15 E39 12 S106 6.65 11.14 2100K 18,000 88,000 83,600 1150
40490-5 SON-T PIA Grn Pw/600W/480V 600 T-15 E39 12 S106 6.65 11.14 2100K 18,000 88,000 83,600 1150
Std. ANSI Rated Approx. Approx.
Product Ordering Nom. Pkg. Ballast LCL MOL Avg. Life Initial Mean PPF
Number Code Watts Bulb Base Qty. Code (In) (In) CCT (Hrs)
14064-0 C1000S52/AGROLITE XT 1000 E-25 E39 6 S52 8.75 15.06 2100K 15,000 146,000 135,780 1850
Philips SON Agro
Std. ANSI Rated Approx. Approx.
Product Ordering Nom. Pkg. Ballast LCL MOL Avg.Life Initial Mean PPF
Number Code Watts Bulb Base Qty. Code (In) (In) CCT (Hrs)
31710-7 SON AGRO 430W 430 ED-18 E39 12 S145/S51 5.75 9.75 2100K 16,000 54,000 48,600 670
Note: Best practice suggests grow lamps to be replaced at maximum
40% of their rated average life in order to maintain same level of
growth-light on plants over time.
*The micromol value expresses the amount of light particles (pho-
tons) between 400 and 700 nm that are sent out by a light source
(=Photosynthetic Photon Flux) per second.The amount that the plant
absorbs determines the rate of photosynthesis and as a result the
rate of plant growth.Therefore, the micromol value is also called
“growth-light.”In general, an increase of 22% in growth-light means an
increase of 22% in plant growth.
1) 97% Lumen maintenance at 10% of rated average life. 93% lumen
maintenance at 40% of rated average life.
2) Rated average life is the life obtained, on average, from large
representative groups of lamps in laboratory tests under controlled
conditions at 10 or more operating hours per start. It is based on
survival of at least 50% of the lamps and allows for individual lamps
or groups of lamps to vary considerably from the average.
3) Measured at 100 hrs. life. Approximate lumen values listed are for
vertical and horizontal operation of the lamp.
4) Approximate lumen output at 40% of lamp rated average life.
5) Electrically insulated support for bulb may be required, especially in
horizontal and nearly horizontal operating positions.
6) Follow fixture manufacturer recommendations regarding proximity
of ballast to bulb.
7)This lamp should be shielded from moisture to prevent breakage.
8) Fixtures should be designed so that sockets and wiring withstand
starting pulse up to 5000 volts for 1000 watts andWHITE SON
types and 4000 volts for other sizes.
9) For use in fixtures which do not redirect a substantial portion of the
energy toward the arc tube;otherwise very early failure is anticipated.
10) Operates at rated output on ANSI 430W S145 SONAGRO ballasts.
11) UV filtered design (FadeBlock
12)Nickel plated brass base.
13) Heat resisting glass bulb.
**Please contact AdvanceTransformer Company for information on
ballast requirements: www.advancetransformer.com
There are several ways in which artificial light can be used to improve and accelerate growth and extend
the growing season of commercial crops:
1 To supplement natural daylight and raise growth light levels in order to enhance photosynthesis and
thereby improve growth and quality of plants in greenhouses (supplemental growth light)
2 To control the light period by extending the natural day length with artificial light (photoperiodic lighting)
3 To totally replace daylight with artificial light for ultimate climate control (cultivation without daylight)
Horticulture Lamps—High Pressure Sodium Lamps For Plant Growth
Ideal for growing vegetables and flowers
Supplements daylight in greenhouses with “growth-light”
“Growth-light” output is best measured by PPF (Photosynthesis Photon Flux)—micromol value
Supplementar y lighting
Philips Agrolite XT High Pressure Sodium Lamps
5,6,7,8,9,12, 13
Enhanced spectrum Xtreme grow lamp offers 22% more micromols
Excellent lumen and growth light maintenance at 97%
safeguards a constant
crop quality and quantity over life
Ceramic discharge tube with PIA technology, simple and robust
construction for reliable lifetime
Features ALTO
Lamp Technology, environmentally responsible lamps.
Philips GreenPower High Pressure Sodium Lamps
High lumen and growth light maintenance safeguards a constant crop
quality and quantity over life
Ceramic discharge tube with PIA technology for long and reliable lifetime
Simple and robust construction for enhanced reliability and longer life
500 600
700 800
Power (µW)
Wavelength (nm)
Relative Power
Wavelength (nm)
© 2009 Philips Lighting Company. All rights reserved.
Printed in USA 02/09
www. philips.com
Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive
P.O. Box 6800
Somerset, NJ 08875-6800
A Division of Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Philips Lighting
281 Hillmount Road
Markham, Ontario
Canada L6C 2S3
A Division of Philips Electronics Ltd.
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