
The main attribute of a color that distinguishes it from other colors. For example, a color may have a green, yellow, or purple hue. Color
defined as having hue are know as chromatic colors. White, black, and grays possess no hue.
IPS (In Plane Switching)
A technique of improving the viewing angle of an LCD where the liquid crystal molecules are switched in the plane of the LCD layer rather
than vertical to it.
LCD (liquid crystal display)
A display composed of liquid crystal suspended between two transparent sheets. The display is composed thousands of pixels which can
be turned on or off with electrical stimulation. Thus, colorful images/texts can be generated.
Liquid crystal
The compound found in liquid crystal displays. Liquid crystal reacts predictably when electrically stimulated. This makes it the ideal
compound to turn LCD pixels "on" or "off." Liquid crystal is sometimes abbreviated as LC.
A measure of the brightness or luminous intensity of light, usually expressed in units of Candelas per square meter (cd/m2) or foot
Lamberts. 1 fL=3.426 cd/m2.
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