Trilogy200 clinical manual
Connect the Remote Alarm (Optional)
You can use a remote alarm as a nurse call system or in-house remote
alarm system. It can generate an alarm at a distance of up to
91 meters (300 feet) from the ventilator. An audible tone sounds
and a red light blinks to indicate that an alarm condition exists. The
remote alarm will sound when any of the following conditions exist:
• The ventilator is o.
• Any alarm occurs and is not silenced or reset.
Refer to the Accessories chapter of this manual for information on
which remote alarm systems are compatible with the device. Refer to
the instructions included with the Remote Alarm Adapter Cable for
information on how to connect a remote alarm to the ventilator.
When using a remote alarm,
make sure you fully test the
remote alarm connector and
cable by verifying that:
- Annunciated alarms on
the ventilator are also
annunciated on the remote
- Disconnecting the remote
alarm cable from the
ventilator or from the remote
alarm results in an alarm
notication at the remote
The remote alarm should be
tested daily.