Variable frame rates (VFR) (continued)
24PN mode:
The camera-recorder shoots in the 24 fps native mode. The video signals delivering images at a rate of
24 fps are recorded in 24 frames. The signals are recorded only in the effective frames so recording is
possible for 2.5 times as long.
1 2 3 4
1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
1 2 3 4
2 3 4
«: effective frame
Before VFR shooting, you must set the recording frame rate and recording format ahead of time.
You cannot change the frame rates while recording.
VFR shooting is possible only in progressive-shooting mode with 720 vertical lines.
You can select any of 20 recording frame rates ranging from 12 frames per second (fps) to 50 (60) fps.
The list of formats that allow recording by the camera-recorder (Page 125)
There may be slight discrepancies between the recording frame rate displayed and the frame rate at which
the images are actually recorded. Refer to the table below.
When SYSTEM FREQ is set to 50 Hz
frame rate
50 48 45 42 37 34 32 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 18 15 12
frame rate
50.00 48.08 45.00 41.67 36.76 34.09 32.14 29.76 28.13 27.17 26.04 25.00 24.04 23.15 22.06 20.83 19.74 17.86 15.00 12.50
When SYSTEM FREQ is set to 59.94 Hz
frame rate
60 54 48 44 40 36 34 32 30 28 27 26 25 24 22 21 20 18 15 12
frame rate
59.94 53.95 48.17 44.07 39.43 35.68 33.72 32.11 29.97 28.10 26.97 26.44 24.98 23.98 22.48 21.41 19.55 17.98 14.99 12.26