DR500 (E-27)
Rev. C 10/94
Antenna Installation and Alignment
It is recommended that the Satellite dish antenna be installed by your local DMX Affiliate. It is imperative
that the dish be securely and safely mounted, and pointed accurately at the Satellite. Brief instructions are
presented here for completeness.
Satellite Dish Installer: Ground the RF input cable to the building grounding system as close as possible
to the point of building entry. Refer to the National Electric Code (NEC) Article 820-40.
The following steps describe the process to properly set up, position, and connect the antenna using the
DR500 Receiver:
1. Determine the proper block converter and feed horn polarity adjustment for your
2. Assemble the satellite dish antenna.
3. Locate the antenna in an area with an unobstructed line of sight to the satellite
coordinates (azimuth and elevation) for your area.
For information relating to satellite location and coordinates, antenna alignment, and
signal acquisition, contact your DMX affiliate.
4. Pre-position the antenna to the correct azimuth and elevation coordinates by using a
compass and inclinometer.
5. Pre-position the LNB to the indicated polarity setting.
6. Locate the DR500 Receiver within visual range of the antenna.
7. Connect a 75 ohm coaxial cable (RG-6, typical) from the output of the LNB to the
Receiver RF IN connector.
8. Connect 120 VAC power to the DR500 Receiver – do not turn it on.
Improvise a temporary sun shade over the DR500 front panel as the LED displays may be
difficult to read in direct sunlight.
9. Place the receiver in signal strength mode by depressing the power, channel up, and
channel down buttons simultaneously. Alternatively, this may be done with the
remote control using Preset 180.
− The display reads nL, signifying it is not locked.
– Channel 1 flashes on the front panel display indicating the receiver is muted
– AUTH LED is Off unless the receiver is already authorized
– SYNC LED is Off and remains so until the satellite is acquired
The signal strength level numbers are preceded by a minus sign (-) to differentiate them from
a music channel number. Signal Quality readings vary from -00 (the strongest level) to
approximately -80 (weakest level) before losing the satellite lock nL.
Rock the dish slowly from side to side and up/down around the nominal position. When the
Satellite has been located, the display will read out a negative number representing signal
strength and the Sync light will illuminate. Carefully move the dish to maximize signal, at
which time the readout will be the least negative (closest to zero). Tighten the bolts and
check that signal strength has not been disturbed by tightening the bolts.