degaussing facility that can be activated at any time.
Digital control
Microprocessor-based digital control of picture parameters and video modes for complete control
of picture settings and modes and instant recall of all settings at the push of a button. This is a
very advanced feature that allows the user to switch to any required mode at any instant without
having to spend time readjusting the picture. It is currently available in most Philips monitors.
Dot pitch
The shortest distance between two phosphor dots of the same color on the screen. The smaller
the dot pitch, the better the resolution of the monitor.
Dot rate
Frequency in MHz of the dot clock. It is a measure of the speed with which data is transferred
between the video card and subsequent processing circuitry.
Also known as video dot rate.
Electromagnetic radiation standards
International standards set to limit electromagnetic emissions from monitors. There are currently
two important standards both derived from regulations originally laid down by Swedish