Upgrade to a high performingT12 lamp 7
† Thislampisbetter forthe environmentbecauseofits
end-of-lifeoptionswhichcansimplify and reduceyourlamp
disposalcostsdependingonyour stateandlocalregulations.
Color Nom. Rated Approx.
Product Ordering Nom Package Temp Length Avg.Life Initial Design Lumen
Number Code Watts Qty. (Kelvin) (In.) (Hrs.)
CRI Maint.
Philips Long Life T12 Fluorescent Lamps
14251-3 F34/CW/RS/EW/LL/ALTO 34 30 4100 48" 24,000 2650 2300 62 88%
14252-1 F34/WW/RS/EW/LL/ALTO 34 30 3000 48" 24,000 2700 2350 53 88%
Philips 800 SeriesT12 Fluorescent Lamps
14253-9 F34T12/830/EW/ALTO 34 30 3000 48" 20,000 2800 2660 82 93%
14254-7 F34T12/835/EW/ALTO 34 30 3500 48" 20,000 2800 2660 82 93%
14255-4 F34T12/841/EW/ALTO 34 30 4100 48" 20,000 2800 2660 82 93%
14256-2 F34T12/850/EW/ALTO 34 30 5000 48" 20,000 2650 2520 82 93%
14261-2 F40T12/830/ALTO 40 30 3000 48" 20,000 3200 3040 82 95%
14262-0 F40T12/835/ALTO 40 30 3500 48" 20,000 3200 3040 82 95%
14263-8 F40T12/841/ALTO 40 30 4100 48" 20,000 3200 3040 82 95%
14264-6 F40T12/850/ALTO 40 30 5000 48" 20,000 3050 2900 82 95%
Philips Advantage T12 Fluorescent Lamps
14257-0 F34T12/ADV830/EW/ALTO 34 30 3000 48" 24,000 3100 2880 85 93%
14258-8 F34T12/ADV835/EW/ALTO 34 30 3500 48" 24,000 3100 2880 85 93%
14259-6 F34T12/ADV841/EW/ALTO 34 30 4100 48" 24,000 3100 2880 85 93%
14260-4 F34T12/ADV850/EW/ALTO 34 30 5000 48" 24,000 2950 2740 82 93%
26604-9 F40T12/ADV830/ALTO 40 30 3000 48" 24,000 3600 3420 85 95%
26631-2 F40T12/ADV835/ALTO 40 30 3500 48" 24,000 3600 3420 85 95%
26640-3 F40T12/ADV841/ALTO 40 30 4100 48" 24,000 3600 3420 85 95%
26643-7 F40T12/ADV850/ALTO 40 30 5000 48" 24,000 3450 3280 82 95%
1) Average lifeunder specified test conditions withlamps turned off and restarted no more frequently than onceevery 3 operating hours.Lamplife is appreciably longer if lamps arestarted less frequently.
2) Approximateinitial lumens.The lamp lumenoutput is basedupon lamp performance after100 hours of operating life,when the output is measured during operation ona reference ballast understandard
laboratory conditions.Forexpected lamp lumen output,commercial ballast manufacturers can advise the appropriate ballast factor for each oftheir ballasts when theyare informed of the designated lamp.
The ballast factor is amultiplier applied to thedesignated lamp lumen output.
3) Design lumens are theapproximate lamp lumen output at40% of the lamp’s rated average life.This output is based upon measurementsobtained during lamp operation on a reference
ballast under standard laboratory conditions.