Vital Signs, Blood Review and Graphs
10-18 Data Transfer
Data Transfer
The destination monitor creates the time stamp for transferred data by
determining how old each data sample is and subtracting the age of the
data from the current monitor time.
Hemodynamic, oxygenation, and ventilation calculations result values
may show slightly different times before and after being transferred,
because a different set of valid parameters was used for the calculation
at calculation time.
If there is a time change at the destination monitor for data occurring
after the transferred data, the âTâ will not be overwritten by a â?â, the
indicator of time change.
Reports Although transfers to the module and report printing can occur
simultaneously, data cannot be transferred to the monitor during the
printing of reports. If a transfer to the monitor is initiated during
printing, the printing can be suspended for the duration of the transfer
through the Data Transfer Task Window; it will continue automatically
when the transfer is finished.