Make Calls With Voice Dialing:
Your headphones can work with
your phone’s voice dialing feature.
Press the Call button for 2 seconds
and listen for the low tone. Your phone
may prompt you by saying something
like “Name Please.” Check your phone’s
documentation for details.
Hear What’s Going On Around You:
Your headphones use the OpenMic
feature to pause the music when you
want to hear your surroundings or
have a quick chat with someone near-
by. To use this feature, tap the Music
button once, then tap it again when
you are finished and want to resume
music play.
To disable this feature, press the Call
and Volume Down buttons for 3 sec-
onds (you will hear a low-high-low set
of tones). To re-enable it, press the Call
and Volume Down buttons for 3 sec-
onds (you will hear a high-low-high set
of tones).
Check the Battery Level:
If you are on a call or listening to
music and hear 3 high tones then
you have under 10 minutes of listen-
ing time remaining.
At other times, you can check the
battery level by tapping the Power
button. The headphones will say
how many hours of useage remain.
The LED also flashes red to show
the battery level.
1 flash = more than 2/3 full
2 flashes = 1/3 - 2/3 full
3 flashes = less than 1/3 full
Stay Near Your Device:
Bluetooth has a working “range” of
up to 33 feet between the device and
headphones before audio degrades
and the connection is lost. For best
audio reception, keep your device on
the left side of your body.
Know How to Reconnect:
Your headphones try to reconnect
a lost Bluetooth connection. If they
can’t, then tap the Call button once
or manually reconnect via the device’s
Bluetooth menu.