I cannot hear callers/callers cannot hear me
Possible cause Remedy
Battery problem Check that the batteries are correctly installed
and that the cover is fitted properly
Incorrect setting of Refer to the compatibility chart and set to
6 position switch the correct position
Check transmit level Adjust to the recommended level as shown on
the compatibility chart and make a test call
Low receive volume Rotate the volume control on the top of the
Vista. To increase the volume turn the dial to
a higher number
Cables not plugged Check the connections to your telephone
in correctly and headset. Refer to the user guide for
Headset/Handset To use the Vista with your headset, make
setting incorrect sure that the green indicator is showing on
the switch
Mute function Your voice is muted if the green indicator is
switched on showing on the switch
Caller cannot hear you clearly
Possible cause Remedy
Your voice seems Only set the transmit level to the level that
unclear to your needed you clearly for your voice to be heard
callers clearly. Do not set this level too high.