
l Running
l Cycling
l Other outdoor
l Other indoor
If you have edited your sport profiles in the Flow web service before your first training session,and synced
them to your M400, the sport profile list will contain the edited sport profiles.
To view or modify sport profile settings, go to Settings > Sport profiles and choose the profile you want to
edit. You can also access the settings of the currently selected profile from pre-training mode by pressing and
holding LIGHT.
l Training sounds: Choose Off, Soft, Loud or Very loud.
l Heart rate settings: Heart rate view: Choose Beats per minute (bpm) or % of maximum. Check
HR zone limits: Check the limits for each heart rate zone. HR visible to other device: Choose On
or Off. If you choose On, other compatible devices (e.g. gym equipment) can detect your heart rate.
l GPS recording: Choose Off or On.
l Speed View: Choose km/h (kilometers per hour) or min/km(minutes per kilometer). If you have
chosen imperial units, choose mph (miles per hour) or min/mi (minutes per mile).
l Automatic pause: Choose On or Off. If you set the automatic pause On, your session is auto-
matically paused when you stop moving.
GPSrecording must be turned on to use automatic pause.
l Automatic lap: Choose Off, Lap distance or Lap duration. If you choose Lap distance, set the dis-
tance after which each lap is taken. If you choose Lap duration, set the duration after which each lap
is taken.
GPSrecording must be turned on to use distance-based automatic lap.
To view and edit your physical settings, go to Settings > Physical settings. It is important that you are pre-
cise with the physical settings, especially when setting your weight, height, date of birth and sex, as they
have an impact on the accuracy of the measuring values, such as the heart rate zone limits and calorie
In Physical settings you'll find: