D 53
Exercise Time (Exe. Time)
The exercise time is the amount of time that you have
exercised with the stopwatch running. Average and
maximum heart rates of your exercise alternate on the
display. To continue recalling the complete file, scroll up
or down button.
This is the first opening display that you will see in both
summary and complete files. The summary file does not
include any more information. To exit the summary file
press the stop button.
Recovery Information of BasicSet Exercise (Reco)
Recovery time.
Recovery duration.
Drop in your heart rate.
Recovery heart rate.
Time it took reach the preset heart rate reading.
Drop in your heart rate.
Heart Rate Limits 1, 2 and 3 (Limits 1/ Limits 2/ Limits 3)
Settings of the heart rate limits alternate on the display.
Limits 1 are used for heart rate zone 1, limits 2 for zone 2
and limits 3 for zone 3.
PPP S410S210 man USAGBR A.pm6 12.3.2003, 08:3053