Engine Fuel
and Oil System
The fuel tank filler cap (1) is lo-
cated on the left side by the driv-
ers seat. Use either leaded or un-
leaded gasoline with a minimum
pump octane number of 87 R+
M/2 octane.
The fuel supply valve (2), located
in the center console storage
compartment (A) has three posi-
OFF: For vehicle storage and
whenever transporting.
ON: For normal operation.
RES: For reserve supply in the
event of main supply exhaustion.
NOTE: There is about a 7 to 10
mile (11.2 to 16 km) range on re-
serve gas. Always refill the gas
tank as soon as possible after
having used the reserve supply.
Always return valve to “on” posi-
tion after refueling machine.
Gasoline and Alcohol
Blends of gasoline and alcohol
called “gasohol” can be used on
an occasional basis, however
continued use is not recom-
mended. Switch back immedi-
ately to gasoline which does not
contain alcohol if you experience
any operating irregularities. Any
deterioration of fuel system com-
ponents or degradation of perfor-
mance resulting from the use of
gasohol will not be covered by
Polaris’ Warranty.