2. Push ratchet pawl and hold it. The plunger should move
smoothly in and out of the tensioner body.
3. Release ratchet pawl and push inward on plunger. It should
remain locked in position and not move inward.
4. Measure free length of tensioner spring. Replace spring if
excessively worn. Compare to specifications.
5. Replace entire tensioner assembly if any part is worn or
Rocker Arm/Shaft Inspection
1. Mark or tag rocker arms to keep them in order for
2. Inspect each rocker arm cam follower surface. If there is
any damage or uneven wear, replace the rocker arm.
NOTE: Always inspect camshaft lobe if rocker arms are
worn or damaged.
3. Measure O.D. of rocker shaft. Inspect it for wear or damage.
Compare to specifications.
Tensioner Spring Free Length:
2.02” (5.13 cm)
Limit 1.92 (4.88cm)
Rocker Shaft O.D.:
.8656 - .8661 (21.987-22.0 mm)
Rocker Arm & Support I.D.:
.8669 - .8678 (22.020-22.041 mm)