Cleaning and Storage
Storage Tips
Cleaning - Outside...Make necessary repairs and then clean the ATV
thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water solution to remove all dirt
and grime. Don’t use harsh detergents or high pressure washers. Some
detergents deteriorate rubber parts - use dish soap type cleaners only.
High pressure washers may force water past seals. Drain the recoil
Stabilize Fuel - Add Polaris Carbon Clean Fuel Treatment or Polaris
Fuel Stabilizer. Fill the fuel tank. Follow instructions on the container
for recommended amount. Carbon clean will also reduce the possibility
of bacterial growth in the fuel system. It’s best to allow 15-20 minutes
of operation for the stabilizer to disperse through the fuel in the tank and
carburetor. Turn the fuel valve to “OFF” and drain the carburetor bowl
Oil And Filter Change - (4-Strokes) Warm the engine and change oil
and filter.
Air Filter / Air Box - Inspect and clean or replace the pre-cleaner and air
filter. Clean the air box and drain the sediment tube.
Breather Filter- Inspect and clean or replace the breather filter.
Inspect All Fluid Levels - Inspect the following fluid levels and
change if necessary: rear grear case; front gear case ; transmission;
brake fluid (change every two years or as required if fluid looks dark or
Check and Lubricate Cables / Grease - Inspect all cables and
lubricate with Polaris Cable Lubricant. Follow lubrication guidelines in
the Maintenance Section of the Service or Owner’s Manual to
completely grease and lubricate the entire vehicle with Polaris
Premium All Season Grease.