n Gearcase Oil Level (WideTrak)
Check the gearcase oil level at
the intervals outlined in the
maintenance charts beginning
on page 65. Change the gear-
case oil after the first 500 miles
(800 km), then every 1000 miles
(1600 km) or seasonally.
To check the oil level, place the
machine on a level surface. The
oil level should be between the
“safe” marks on the dipstick (1).
See your Polaris dealer for the
recommended oil for your
machine. Do not overfill.
Clean the magnetic plug (2)
every 500 miles (800 km) and
whenever checking or changing
NOTICE: Mixing brands or using non-recommended lubricants could
result in excessive wear to chain, sprockets and bearings.
Always use Polaris-recommended products for your vehicle.