
Connecting the camera to your PowerMac or PowerPC 18
If the DMC is the only SCSI device 19
If your PowerMac or PowerPC has other SCSI devices 20
Connecting to an Apple PowerBook 21
Installing DMC software on your PowerMac/PowerPC 22
Parfocalizing 24
Using the DMC camera 25
Typical DMC workflow 25
Turning on the camera 26
Starting the DMC application 26
Framing and focusing the image 28
Selecting picture options 28
Shutter speed 29
Film speed 30
Flash mode 30
Color temperature 30
Color or black-and-white 30
Resolution 30
Using the focus indicator 31
Capturing the picture 32
Capturing and enhancing 33
Capturing and transferring to an application 34
Capturing and saving directly to disk 34