
Figure 2-8 S4 Switch operating congurations
damage to the circuit in the event that ashbulb
becomes short-circuited after it is red.
e- Switch S5 (normally closed at the beginning of
the exposure cycle), like S3, is located in the gear
train and actuated by the recock ram (Figure 2-7).
When the gear train rotates to appropriate point in
its cycle, S5 opens and removes power from the
drive motor, applying dynamic braking voltage to
stop the gear train quickly. The ECM reacts to
this command in such a way that exposure cycle
continues completion even through the operator
has released the exposure button (S1). After the
exposure and when the Fresnel carrier returns to
the viewing position, S5 is closed by the recock
ram and stops the camera cycle.
f- Switch S6 is closed by openong the camera
to the picture taking position. Its disconnects the
negative side of the battery from the commun
return (ground) when the camera is folded to
assure the removal of power from the circuit.
g- Switch S7 is closed when the front cover is
closed. It is wired in series with S6. Like S6, S7
disconnects the negative side of the battery from
the commun return so that the camera cannot
function until the front cover is closed and
latched. It is an interlock during normal picture
taking. With S6 and S8 closed, it initiates the
dark slide function.