(9) Unapproved, add-on, modified, counterfeit and/or “grey market” parts may not be used to modify or repair
a Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor Products NA, Inc. engine. Such use voids this ECS Warranty and shall
be sufficient grounds for disallowing an ECS Warranty claim. Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor Products NA,
Inc. shall not be held liable hereunder for failures of any warranted parts of a Husqvarna Consumer Outdoor
Products NA, Inc. engine caused by the use of such an unapproved, add-on, modified, counterfeit and/or
“grey market” part.
EMISSION RELATED PARTS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: (New Phase III language inserted, but may not
be necessary to use.)
I. For exhaust emissions, emission-related components include any engine parts related to the following sys-
1. Air-induction system.
2. Fuel system.
3. Ignition system.
4. Exhaust gas recirculation systems.
II. The following parts are also considered emission-related components for exhaust emissions:
1. Aftertreatment devices.
2. Crankcase ventilation valves.
3. Sensors.
4. Electronic control units.
III. The following parts are considered emission-related components for evaporative emissions:
1. Fuel Tank.
2. Fuel Cap.
3. Fuel Line.
4. Fuel Line Fittings.
5. Clamps*.
6. Pressure Relief Valves*.
7. Control Valves*.
8. Control Solenoids*.
9. Electronic Controls*.
10. Vacuum Control Diaphragms*.
11. Control Cables*.
12. Control Linkages*.
13. Purge Valves.
14. Vapor Hoses.
15. Liquid/Vapor Separator.
16. Carbon Canister.
17. Canister Mounting Brackets.
18. Carburetor Purge Port Connector.
*As related to the evaporative emission control system.
IV. Emission-related components also include any other part whose only purpose is to reduce emissions or
whose failure will increase emissions without significantly degrading engine/equipment performance.