Creating Disc on a Mac 41
1. Double click the Discribe Icon to launch the program.
You will see a splash screen followed by Discribe's Quick
Start Menu.
2. Click the Copy a CD/DVD button.
3. Place your master disc in your Bravo's drive
4. Select the drive in your Bravo as the source drive. (Skip to
Step 7 to copy a disc with out making a physical image)
5. Select the Utilities menu on the menu bar and click Write
Physical Image. You will then be prompted to select a
location to save the image. Once you have selected a
location, click Save to build the image.
6. Now change CD/DVD Copy to Disc Copy Image and
browse to the image you have created.
7. Click the Burn... button
8. The Robot Write Options window contains selections to
help you control the printing of the image, number of
discs, recording options and more. Set these options as
a. Kiosk Mode will allow you to increase the capacity of
your Bravo from 25 to 50 discs by dispensing finished
discs out the front of the unit instead of dropping them
to the output bin. This allows you to place blank discs
in both the input and output bins doubling your
capacity. An optional Kiosk Kit is available from your
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