
4 Computer Interface
The 9700 comes standard with an RS232 serial interface; a GPIB (IEEE-488)
interface is available as an option. All menu settings can be set and retrieved over the
computer interface using a simple command language.
Serial (RS232) Pinout
The serial port is located on the back of the 9700, and uses a 9-pin D-type connector
with the following pinout (as viewed from the back of the 9700):
1. No connection
2. Tx - Transmit (to computer)
3. Rx - Receive (from computer)
4. DTR - connected to pin 6
5. Ground
6. DSR - connected to pin 4
7. RTS - connected to pin 8
8. CTS - connected to pin 7
9. No connection
The voltage level of the Transmit signal is +/-10V, the Receive signal should be at
least +/-5V.
An optional GPIB (also known as IEEE-488) computer interface is available for the
9700. Before using this interface, the address must be set using the GPIB Address
menu item. The same command set is used for both the GPIB and RS-232 interfaces.
Both interfaces may be used at the same time. Responses will be made to the most
recently used interface.
Command Language
All menu items can be accessed and selected via the computer interface using a
simple command language. The command set is the same for both the RS232 and
GPIB interfaces.