Elevated water temperature can be hazardous. The
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has these
1. Spa water temperatures should never exceed
04°F (40°C). A temperature of 100°F (38°C) is
considered safe for a healthy adult. Special caution
is suggested for young children.
2. Drinking of alcoholic beverages before or during
spa or hot tub use can cause drowsiness which
could lead to unconsciousness and subsequently
result in drowning.
Pregnant Women Beware!
Soaking in water over
102°F (39°C) can cause fetal damage during the
first three months of pregnancy resulting in the birth
of a brain-damaged or deformed child. Pregnant
women should stick to the 100°F (38°C) maximum
4. Before entering the spa or hot tub, users should
check the water temperature with an accurate ther-
mometer; spa or hot tub thermostats may err in
regulating water temperatures by as much as 4°F
5. Persons with a medical history of heart disease, cir-
culatory problems, diabetes, or blood pressure
problems should seek a physician's advice before
using pools or hot tubs.
6. Persons taking medications which induce drowsi-
ness, such as tranquilizers, antihistamines, or
anticoagulants, should not use spas or hot tubs.
CAUTION: Operating control and high limit are
NOT part of the Indirect Pool Heater. These items
must be supplied separately.