[ 4[ Sensitivity Adjustment
Color Mode
U.C.R Adjust
Color Erase
Color Background
Color Conversion
When co ying in full color, 4C (4 color toners = Yellow, MacJenta, Cyan,
and Blat ) is used in the default mode. You can change this so that on
3C (3 color toners = Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan) is used.
Cl default 4C (4 color toners)
In the Auto (Letler/Photo) mode or Photo mode, black letters and lines
might not be re reduced well. The UCR adjustment reduces or remove
the weakest co or in order to emphasize the black parts of the image.
This is useful for improvin the readability of:
● Black lettering in colore areas
● Black and white originals when copying in Auto Color mode and
Auto (Letter/Photo) mode.
It can be adjusted within 9 levels (“Weak” to “Strong”).
Cl default: level 5
When in the Color Erase mode, the function can be made more or less
sensitive to the color to erase. It can be adjusted within 5 levels.
(“Narrow” to “Wide”).
default: level 3
For example, suppose
red is erased, selecting “Narrow” will result in on
red being erased, and selecting “Wide” will result in other colors close tf
red being erased.
When in the
Color Background mode, the background density can be
adjusted to within 5 levels (“Weak” to “Strong”),
Q default: level 3
When in the Color Conversion mode, the function can be made more ot
less sensitive to the color to convert, It can be adjusted within 5 levels
(“Narrow” to “Wide”).
Cl default: level 3
For example, sup se red is converted to a scanned color, selecting
“Narrow” will resu t in only red being converted, and selecting “Wide” wi
result in other colors close to red being converted.
The Auto Image Density levels can be adjusted to lighter or darker (4
Q default: level 2
When in the Auto (Letter/Photo) mode, the
copier can be set to lean
Letter mode (levels 1 to 4) or towards Photo mode (levels 6 to 9).
Auto L/P
This function is useful when copying originals that have mixed image and
character areas, for example maps. Depending on the sensitivity setting,
small characters might not be detected as letters.
Q default: level 5
Auto Color Select
When in Auto Color Select mode, Black Cop mode will be selected
automatically for black and white originals.
he copier sees pure grays
as black an white. However, for many types of originals such as
magazine pages, gray is a combination of several colors that appear gray
to us but that appear as color to the copier,
The copier can be made to lean towards Black Copy (levels 1 to 2) or
towards Full Color Copy (levels 4 to 5).
Q default: level 3