Basic Jointer/Planer Cutting Operations
Depth of Cut Handwheel Operation
Turning the handwheel clockwise will lower the infeed
table. This will cause more wood to be removed from the
workpiece during the cutting operation.
Turning the handwheel counterclockwise will raise the
infeed table causing less wood to be removed from the
The maximum amount of wood that can be removed dur-
ing one cut is 1/8".
Stop Pin Operation
A stop pin is supplied to prevent planing or jointing more
than 1/8" depth of cut. Planing and jointing operations
greater than 1/8" per pass are not recommended. Only
rabbeting operations should be performed at cutting
depths greater than 1/8". Never cut a full 1/2" rabbet in
one cut. Cut in 1/8" depth increments until your full depth
is acquired.
Feeding the Workpiece
Hold the board firmly down on both tables and against
the fence. Keep fingers close together. Feed the board at
a continuous even rate of speed until the cut is made
along the entire length of the board. Any hesitation or
stopping could cause a “step” to be cut on the edge of the
board which would cause the board to ride up on the out-
feed table resulting in a “crooked” edge on the board.
As the trailing hand passes over the cutterhead, remove
the leading hand. Continue feeding while placing the
leading hand behind the trailing hand. Continue feeding
in this manner “hand over hand”, until the entire length of
the board is cut. As soon as enough of the workpiece has
been cut to do so, put pressure over the cutterhead
and outfeed table.
Do not feed too fast. A slow steady rate of feed pro-
duces a smooth accurate cut. Feeding too fast causes a
“rippled” cut, makes it difficult to guide the workpiece
accurately, and could be dangerous.
NOTE: Wood chips may accumulate inside the jointer/
planer. Periodically clean out the chips from the interior of
the jointer/planer.
NOTE: Before cleaning wood chips.
• Turn switch “OFF”.
• Wait for all moving parts to stop.
• Unplug the jointer/planer.
Feed with the grain whenever possible. If the nature of
the workpiece is such that it must be fed against the
grain, take very light cuts and feed slowly.
Depth of Cut
With the Grain
Against the Grain