
Closed Loop Speed Mode
98 AX1500 Motor Controller Users Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
In Speed Mode, the Integral component of the PID is the most important and must be set
first. The Proportional and Differential component will help improve the response time and
loop stability.
In the case where the load moved by the motor is not fixed, tune the PID with the mini-
mum expected load and tune it again with the maximum expected load. Then try to find
values that will work in both conditions. If the disparity between minimal and maximal pos-
sible loads is large, it may not be possible to find satisfactory tuning values.
Note that the AX1500 uses one set of Proportional Integral and Differential Gains for both
motors and therefore assumes that similar motors, mechanical assemblies and loads are
present at each channel.