Using the Roborun Configuration Utility
174 AX1500 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
Connecting a Joystick
Exercising the motors can easily be done using a Joystick in addition to the on-screen slid-
ers. Simply connect a joystick to the PC and enable it by clicking in the Joystick check box
in the PC utility.
If the box is grayed out, the joystick is not properly installed in the PC. Click on the “Config
Joystick” button to open a configuration screen and the joystick control panel.
Joystick movement should automatically translate into Channel 1 and Channel 2 command
values and make the sliders move. These commands are also sent to the controller. In the
Config Joystick panel, the Joystick may be configured so that the X-Y channels are
swapped and the direction for each axis reversed.
It is strongly recommended that an USB rather than Analog joystick be used.
A joystick test program name “Joytest” is automatically installed in the Start menu when
installing the Roborun utility. This program may be used to further verify that the joystick is
properly installed in the PC and is fully operational.
Using the Console
The console screen allows you to communicate with the controller using raw ASCII data.
This function is very useful for troubleshooting when normal communication with Roborun
Power1 0 to 127 Amount of power applied to the output stage of chan-
nel 1
Power2 0 to 127 Same for channel 2
Ana 1, Speed 1, Pos 1
or Temp 1
or Volt 1
-127 to + 127
-40 to +150
0 to 55
Value of sensor connected on analog input 1. Data is
automatically converted to the right value and format
by Roborun according to the sensor that is being used.
Ana 2, Speed 2, Pos 2
Temp 2 or
Volt 2
-127 to + 127
-40 to +150
0 to 55
Same for channel 2
Amps1 0 to 255 Measured Amps on channel 1
Amps2 0 to 255 Measured Amps on channel 2
FET Temp1 -40 to +150 Measured Temperature on channel 1’s heatsink.
FET Temp2 -40 to +150 Measured Temperature on channel 2’s heatsink.
Batt Volt 0 to 55 Main Battery Voltage.
Ctrl Volt 0 to 28.5 Internal 12V Voltage.
Enc1 -127 to + 127 Measured Optical Encoder’s Speed or Position
depending on selected operating mode
Enc2 -127 to + 127 Same for channel 2
TABLE 32. Logged parameters order, type and definition
Parameter Header Data type/range Measured Parameter