
Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
108 AX500 Motor Controller Users Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
Set Motor Command Value
Send a speed of position value from 0 to 127 in the forward or reverse direction for a given
channel. In mixed mode, channel 1 value sets the common forward and reverse value for
both motors, while channel 2 sets the difference between motor 1 and motor 2 as required
for steering. In all other modes, channel 1 commands motor 1 and channel 2 commands
motor 2.
Syntax: !Mnn
Where M=A: channel 1, forward direction
a: channel 1, reverse direction
B: channel 2, forward direction
b: channel 2, reverse direction
Where nn= Speed or position value in 2 Hexadecimal digits from 00 to 7F
!A00 channel 1 to 0
!B7F channel 2, 100% forward
!a3F channel 1, 50% reverse
The hexadecimal number must always contain two digits. For example, !a5 will not be
recognized and the controller will respond with a - to indicate an error. The proper com-
mand in this case should be !a05.
Set Accessory Output
Turn on or off the digital output line on the 15-pin connector. See AX500s Inputs and Out-
puts on page 48 for details on how to identify and wire these signals.
Syntax: !M
Where: M=
c: output C off
C: output C onExamples:
!C Command Turn Accessory Output C n
!c Command Turn Accessory Output C Off
?a or ?A Query Read Battery Amps
?v or ?V Query Read Power Level applied to motors
?p or ?P Query Read Analog Inputs 1 and 2
?r or ?R Query Read Analog Inputs 3 and 4
?m or ?M Query Read Heatsink Temperature
?e or ?E Query Read Battery and Internal Voltage
?i or ?I Query Read Digital Inputs
TABLE 17. Controllers basic Commands and Queries
Command Type Description