Adding Jobs to the Print Monitor
The Jobs Management area of RIP Software allows you to add jobs to the Print Monitor.
To Add a Job
1. From the File menu select Add Job.
2. Select the job you would like to add then click on Open.
3. To send a job to the printer, select the job from the Print Monitor’s queue and then choose Print from the
File menu.
Deleting Jobs from the Print Monitor
A job may be deleted from the job list before or after it is cut or printed.
To Delete a Job
1. Select the job or jobs that you want to delete by selecting them in the Print Monitor’s queue.
2. From the File menu choose Delete.
Aborting a Print Job
Although a job cannot be paused during the RIP process, the job can be aborted. After aborting a job, all
RIP’ed information is lost and the process must start again.
To Abort a Print Job
1. Select the job to abort by selecting it in RIP Software’s Print Monitor window.
2. From the File menu choose Abort or click the icon Abort Job
Printing Directly from an Application
Once you have specified setup properties, you can print directly from your application without adjusting any
values from the Print Monitor menus.
Most applications have Page setup and Print Command options within the File Menu. Make sure you select
the correct printer setup that you have installed. Please consult your DTP application for more details on the
print command.
Printing from a Client on your Network
If you have a network of PCs and have completed the additional setup instructions for network printing, you
can print from any client on your network. When you do this, jobs arrive in the ‘Hot’ folder of the server and are
processed like any other job.
There are two ways to send jobs to the server for processing:
Dragging the file directly into the server’s shared ‘Hot’ folder
Using the design application’s Print to File function and selecting the server’s ‘Hot’ folder as your