Introducing the Drum Set
Playing drums is not only fun, but just about anyone can easily start playing — they make sound
when you simply hit them! Drums create the rhythmic foundation of music and are vital in
maintaining the tempo and groove of the entire band.
Drum Set Elements
Here are some basic terms related to drum sets.
* The indications in parentheses ( ) show the names used on the HD-3.
Bass Drum (Kick)
Played with a kick pedal, it’s the largest drum in the kit.
Snare Drum
The snare drum is the main “voice” of a drum kit.
Hi-Hat/Hi-Hat Pedal
An acoustic hi-hat uses 2 cymbals mounted on a hi-hat stand.
Pressing the hi-hat pedal opens and closes it.
* The HD-3 uses a single pad.
Tom (Tom 1, Tom 2)
These are usually mounted above the bass drum.
Floor Tom (Tom 3)
Sometimes called a bass tom, it either stands on it’s own legs or is mounted on a stand.
Ride Cymbal
Usually mounted on the right side of the kit, the ride cymbal is principle elements in keeping time.
Crash Cymbal
Smaller than the ride, the crash cymbal is mainly used for accents.