Error Possible cause
code and action
0 No I/O errors
10 Cause: after execution of an output
command, other output instructions are
sent before the output was not completed.
Action: let the computer to read the PNC-
900 output by the output instruction
and then send another output instruction.
11 Cause: an error occurs in a device
control instruction.
Action: correct your program.
12 Cause: incorrect parameter are set to a
device control instruction (the default
value is set to the erroneous parameter)
Action: correct your program.
13 Cause: parameters are overflowing.
Action: correct your program.
14 Cause: the number of the parameters set
is more than specified or a colon ':' was
not used to terminate.
Action: correct your program.
15 Cause: framing error, parity error or over-
run error at the time of data receipt .
Action: match the communication
protocols of both computer and PNC-
900 (baud rate, data bit length, stop bit
16 Cause: the I/O buffer overflows.
Action: This error does not occur when
hardware handshake is performed, but
may occur when software handshake is
performed. If this error occurs, check the
remaining buffer capacity of the PNC-
900 and send less data than the
remaining buffer capacity.
Instruction Format Parameter Range ([ ] is default) Explanation
ESC .E [ESC].E None Outputs an error code related to RS-232C interface
Output RS-232C (see the table below), and clears the error
Error Code simultaneously. At the same time, the error being
displayed is canceled.
ESC .L [ESC].L None PNC-900 outputs the size of the I/O buffer to the
Output I/O buffer computer when receiving this instruction. It usually
size outputs 1024 (bytes).
Abort Instructions
ESC .J [ESC].J None Aborts both the currently executed device control
Abort Device Control instruction and output.
ESC .K [ESC].K None Continues to execute the CAMM-GL III instruction
Abort CAMM-GLIII in operation, aborts other incoming CAMM-GL III
Instruction instructions and clears the data buffer.
ESC .R [ESC].R None Initializes all settings established by the device
Initialize Device control instructions. Execution of [ESC].R brings
Control Instruction the same states as the following device control
instructions are executed.
[ESC].J, [ESC].M:, [ESC].N:, [ESC].H:,
[ESC].I: and [ESC].@: