What You can do in REC/PLAY Mode
In Phrase Loop record or play mode, you can press the following buttons to access various realtime editing or performance
functions. This ability to modify phrases in realtime is one of the OCTAPAD’s most important and distinguishing features.
Button Explanation Page
Switches to Play (PLAY) mode. Recording will not occur even if you play the pads. p. 45
Switches to Record (REC) mode. Your pad performance will be recorded. p. 45
By holding down the [MUTE] button and striking a pad, you can mute or un-mute that track.
The mute status is shown in the display and by the pad status illumination.
p. 46
By holding down the [ERASE] button and striking a pad, you can selectively erase an unwanted section of a track. Hit the
pad at the beginning of the section you want to erase, and hit it once again at the end of the section. The erase status is
shown in the display and by the pad status illumination.
p. 47
Press the [FX-CTRL] button to access the FX-CONTROL screen, where you can use the knobs to control the eect. If you’re
recording a phrase loop, the knob movements can be recorded.
p. 41
When button is blinking: Sets the loop point. p. 43
When button is lit: Reserves the operation (MUTE/PLAY/REC/STOP) that will occur at the beginning of the next loop. p. 47
If you’ve connected a foot switch and set the system setting “Foot Sw” to “PAD CTRL,” you can hold down the foot switch and
hit a pad to perform the same operations as the buttons listed above. See Foot switch (p. 53).
Muting a Track (MUTE)
Hold down the [MUTE] button; the PHRASE LOOP MUTE screen appears.
Muted pads (tracks) are
shaded gray.
Pressing [Button 2] (FLIP
ALL) will exchange the
muted and un-muted
status of all tracks.
Pad Status Illumination
Muted Data exists No data
Lit DarkBlinking
Pressing [Button 3] (MUTE ALL) will temporarily mute all
By holding down the [MUTE] button and striking a pad, you can mute or un-mute that track.
Mute Un-mute
Dierences in muting between Play mode and Rec mode
In Play mode, muted tracks will not be heard. For example, you could mute the snare drum and bass drum tracks, and hit the
pads to play these yourself.
In Rec mode, muted tracks will not be heard, just as in Play mode. The dierence is that in Rec mode, striking the pad of a
muted track will erase all data from that track and un-mute that track.
Editing a Phrase