12 Model IIC-200 Operation Manual Version 1.A
Connections with a Gen IV Intensifier
➧ Connect one end of the high-voltage cable supplied by Roper Scientific to the
high-voltage connector on the image intensifier. If you have purchased more than
one image intensifier, make sure you are using the cable supplied with this
intensifier. The connectors are keyed and must be properly oriented. Push the cable
connector into the receptacle and continue to turn the threaded ring clockwise until it
is tight (10 inch-lbs maximum torque). Connect the opposite end of the cable to the
high-voltage output connector of the IIC-200 using the same procedure.
Two versions of the 6-pin high voltage cable have been shipped by Roper
Scientific. Early high-voltage cables have a white housing. Later ones have a black
housing and a white stripe. These cables are wired differently. The IIC-200 is
compatible with the newer style cables only. For more information, see The High
Voltage Cable on page 13.
Gated Operation
➧ For gating, set the
switch to
➧ Connect a SHV Tee (A SHV connector in the shape of the letter “T”) to the to the
Gate In
SHV connector of the IIC-200.
➧ Be sure the Pulser power is OFF.
➧ Connect a cable from one side of the SHV Tee to the HV output of a Berkeley
Nucleonics Corp. Model 6040 Universal Pulse Generator equipped with a Model 310
plug-in Electrical Module. This cable should be no more than 1 m long. A type N-to-
SHV adapter will be required to make the connection. This adapter is provided if the
6040 is ordered from Roper Scientific.
Although SHV and BNC connectors are superficially similar, they are
dimensionally different and incompatible. The SHV connector is designed for high-
voltage applications.
Connect a second cable from the other side of the SHV “Tee” to the high-power
50 terminator. This cable should also be no longer than 1 m, although the
requirement is less stringent than for the cable connecting the pulser output to the
CW or Shutter Operation
To prevent damage to the IIC-200 circuitry, the Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. Pulser
should be disconnected for Shutter mode operation.
➧ For shuttering, set the
switch to
➧ Connect a BNC cable to the IIC-200
Shutter In
BNC connector. Connect the other
end to the Controller’s TTL SHUTTER OUT BNC connector (may also be named
SHUTTER or SHUTTER MONITOR, depending on the controller model) .